My Mistakes Were Necessary for My Good!



No matter what leg you are running in this thing called “life”, the finish line is the end goal and succeeding is the idea that always seems to wrestle with your mind. This is evident through every groan, grunt, climb, fall, contraction, insult, betrayal, slap to the face, bullet wound, lap around the field, poor grades, foreclosure, setback, poor tech connection during a presentation, divorce, separation, bad bill of health, failed friendships, suicide/death, hidden pregnancies, drug/alcohol abuse, loss of profits, feelings of abandonment or violence, whispers behind your back, natural disasters, metamorphosis of caterpillars and tadpoles, and changing of seasons……


The pain of failing and losing is never one that you want to experience for yourself or ones you choose to cheer on..but you know what???


When I think about the fact that my mom raised 3 children on her own, it was a sacrifice beyond what she could handle. Despite her mistakes (whether admitted or not) her persistence and determination led her to a Jewish family that would ultimately change the trajectory of our lives. That family blessed us in ways that I know would have taken several lifetimes to become a reality. I was able to gain from her mistakes….


I was placed in a position of leadership over my department during my teaching career and have had some of my colleagues that thought I was less deserving of that position. Maybe they were intimidated by what I had to offer or perhaps they just wanted to keep their clique tight! The lessons learned there tightened my skin and made me more aware of how to move my pieces across the chessboard. Ironically, while they were digging holes for me they lost their footing and became buried in their own “mess”  —no shade thrown but definitely shots fired– POW!!


When growth isn’t happening then it is time to change. When you feel stagnant then something new certainly needs to happen. When the very air you need to breathe becomes polluted or limited then grab a new oxygen tank so you can reach higher altitudes.

As the school year came to an end and the season shifted from Spring to Summer,  so did Season 1 and my journey on Blab with the ladies of DCTV430. We rocked 11 episodes and accomplished something in the educational space that offered something incredible to our viewers. As we part ways and move on to do great things to change the narrative of education…I come to the conclusion again that ….


Despite my imperfections and my let downs,  despite how I am perceived or how I perceive myself, despite the failures or successes I can own–I know the lesson here is one that I can and will teach my students and my children. Life will certainly throw you curve balls. There are things you plan to get right but screw it up instead. On the other hand, there are things you plan to get right and  absolutely will knock it out of the ballpark! You will be misunderstood, you will be hurt, you will feel betrayed and will go through many pains. These things shape and cultivate who you are to become. To finish strong in the end is the goal but the process leading up to that point is so valuable.

None of these things define YOU but instead they REFINE YOU!

You will learn who you are, who your supporters are, what you truly can handle or bare. Your flaws and wills and the innermost parts of you that were protected will now be exposed. Despite all of that you MUST wear courage like a shield and armor to push forward into the DESTINY that you must allow no man to threaten.

It teaches YOU that YOU are YOU and that….


I leave you with this snippet from one of my favorite singers, Fantasia. Though the appearance of the video is not high quality and imperfect in its appearance– it carries the very message that makes my point very clear. The beauty of life comes through the recognition and transformation that comes from all the mistakes and “mess” that we make. Even Mother Nature has her very way of showing us lessons through the power of change and transformation. Everything works out for our good and is truly……NECESSARY!



4 thoughts on “My Mistakes Were Necessary for My Good!”

  1. I had many years of intense struggle, with so many restarts and crashes, that I lost sight of this lesson until recently. And you know what? I’m giddy with gratitude now for all of that suffering, because it was 100% the path/experiences I needed to turn the biggest leaf yet. The key here isn’t that you “try to learn from it” – but as you say, it was necessary.


    1. Well said Ian! We don’t see it in the moment but in hindsight–we are elevated to new opportunities which we find ourselves a little more “equipped and armored” to deal with.


    1. Everything happens for a reason and though the end may not be revealed becomes necessary! I love when it works out for our good. Glad this could speak to you and hope the sky is brighter!


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